Rick Durand
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I was born in Atlanta, Ga. but reside in Bartlett, Tn. I retired from a management career in both transportation and retail. I am a self taught hobby artist. My Grandfather was the first to introduce me to painting over 60 yrs ago and while it was some 15 yrs. later that I tried my first painting, I found it challenging but oddly peaceful. As my Grandfather did for me, I’d like to think that I can leave something behind to inspire other family members to give painting a shot.
My artwork style is realism. I admire Asher B. Durand (no relation that I know of) as much of his work is mountain landscape. I find great inspiration in the beauty of the mountains and the challenge to capture that in a painting. As for todays’ artist, I enjoy Michael J. Smith and his wonderful “realism” abilities.
You can often find Rick's work exhibited as part of the Bartlett Arts Association membership: ie. St. Francis Hospital, Memphis Botanical Gardens, and seasonally at the WKNO Gallery Ten Ninety One in Cordova Tennessee